Hilton Head development stalled by claim of 93-year old

Photo from Columbia WIS TV

News sources are reporting that a dispute between a developer and a 93-year-old great-great-grandmother has halted the development of a 29-acre, 247-unit subdivision called Bailey’s Cove Subdivision in Hilton Head. Read MSN’s articles here and here.

The Town of Hilton Head has issued a press release dated August 3 stating that it will not issue a Certificate of Compliance or building permits until the dispute between Josephine Wright and Bailey Point Investment Group has been resolved. Both parties are claiming they own property included within the proposed development.

The dispute apparently began when the developer discovered Wright’s satellite dish, shed and screened porch are located on property the developer claims. The June 22 article includes a plat dirt lawyers will find interesting. The developer filed a lawsuit demanding that Wright remove her personal property from its real estate. Wright counterclaimed, alleging the lawsuit was one step of the developer’s “constant barrage of tactics of intimidation, harassment, trespass” to force Wright to sell her home.

MSN is reporting that Wright says her husband’s family, who were escaped slaves freed by Union soldiers, has owned the disputed property since shortly after the Civil War. The stories also report that celebrities are supporting Wright in this dispute: Tyler Perry posted a message on Instagram asking how he can help; Snoop Dogg’s label, Death Row Records, donated $10,000 to Wright’s GoFundMe campaign, and NBA player Kyrie Irving donated $40,000.

Of course, I’d like to know what the title work shows and whether title insurance is involved. We’ll have to pay attention to see how this dispute is resolved.

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